Christian Sub-Group

Food, Nutrition, Health and the Christian Faith

"So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God."
1 Corinthians 10:31

Fact Sheet

Who We Are

Throughout the Bible, there are references to God’s care for our spiritual and physical needs. Jesus sent his disciples to do the work he prepared them for – “proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal” (Luke 9:2).

The Christian sub-group’s goal is to explore the intersection of Christian theology and health, educate nutrition professionals about the impact of nutrition, health and religion from a local, national and global perspective and strengthen the dietitian’s role within the health and wellness structure in places of worship.

Our objective is to carry on the healing mission of Christ as we recognize that a healthy body, mind and spirit is essential and will enable individuals to better serve others.

Four Areas of Focus

The Christian sub-group will work with the Academy’s mission, vision and principles in implementing educational programs, resources and other venues that may include:

  1. Educating Academy members on the intersection of Christian faith, health and nutrition
    • Establishing Health Ministries in places of worship.
    • Learning how Academy resources such as the Sustainable, Resilient and Healthy Food and Water Systems SOP/SOPP for RDN’s can fit into Christian teaching.
  2. Establishing Relationships
    • Encourage respectful research within Christian communities.
    • Working with pastors, priests and other religious leaders to show the important relationship between a healthy congregation and carrying out Christ’s mission of love and healing.
  3. Care Coordination
    • Screening for food insecurity, pre-diabetes, malnutrition and other chronic disease states among parishioners and the surrounding church community.
    • Forming certification programs for RDN’s and NDTR’s in Faith Community/Health Ministry.
  4. Working together to bring the Gospel message of justice and peace
    • Learning about nutrition issues on a global scale and how RDN’s and NDTR’s can be problem solvers in these areas.

View Christian Resources


Interested in joining the Religion MIG and being a part of the Christian sub-group? Visit your MyAcademy profile page on Annual dues are $10 for Academy members and $5 for Academy student members.